Data Feed

CRI Data Feed enables your team to solve complex risk management challenges by automating surveillance and reporting of regulatory changes to enable enterprise-wide regulatory change management (RCM) architectures.

Why CRI Data Feed?

  • Our CRI Data Feed monitors over 1000 regulatory and legislative sources to ensure coverage across businesses, asset classes, and jurisdictions.
  • We are focused on providing actionable intelligence. We pull regulatory outputs, analyze and synthesize them, and then provide action points. We aren't just providing you with the latest news- we are analyzing what these regulatory changes mean for your individual institution and advising the best course of action.
  • We customize our solutions to fit your institution's needs and requirements, adjusting for asset size, operational footprint, HR concerns, applicable regulatory authorities, risk tolerance, and more.

Products & Services

  • Our CRI Data Feed is a weekly customized excel report that provides a summary of regulatory changes in the financial industry and our analysis of how they will affect your individual institution. We monitor over 180 categories and topics across the financial services industry to keep you updated on the implications of regulatory changes such as but not limited to:
Anti-Money Laundering
Bank Secrecy
Bank Deposits and Collections
Climate Change / Environmental Risk
Consumer Complaints
Consumer Lending
Corporate Governance
Cybersecurity and Data Breach
Fair Lending
Fraud and Financial Crimes
Hemp and Marijuana Banking
Regulatory Environment and Outlook
Third-Party Governance
Virtual Currency

View sample CRI Data Feed.